

Benefits of red grapes

A recent study showed that red grapes prevents clogged arteries and protects against cancer, because the seed contains a metal "selenium" which prevents cancers and gives cardiovascular immunity against diseases vessels, and grapes also contains a lot of antioxidants, as well as the presence of vitamin Auseful for the body.

The study pointed out that grapes contain a substance "resveratrol" which gives protection to the heart and blood vessels, research has shown that this substance prevents blotting blood vessels of animals, then it is useful in the treatment of vascular disease, as it resists impact sun's harmful rays, and grapes effect reflectors as it has substance "flavonoids" it protects the fat cells from free radicals problems and destruction of tissues and cells.

The study showed that grape seed also contain metal "Boron" which benefit women after menopause Faihafez high levels of the female hormone and thereby alleviating the problems faced by women at menopause, also plays grape seed feature a materials "Proanthocyanidins" an important role in the fight against diseases by stimulating the immune system resistant to bacteria, viruses and fungi, as they struggle different kinds of allergies and works as anti-inflammatory material.

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